with Jeff Levin
26 -29 May
The earth is moving into a new vibration and the current chaos of political events, and the pandemic is the catalyst for this increase in frequency.They have shaken things up in the world to give us access to a new level of awareness This is the ‘Quickening’ that is happening cosmically where everything is manifesting faster.
In these workshops with Jeff, we will enquire and experience the influence these events have had on us – energetically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.We will come together for deep cleansing, detoxification of our past and let go of the burdens that hold us back so we can step forward to meet this new frequency, free to meet the dimension beyond duality.
Pre-requisite: All Wellcome!
Times: TBC
Place: Live in Oslo/ Storestølen Høyfjells
Costs: TBC
Language: English
For information and Registration: Norway – Nina Bendiksen